Artist in School

Posted: December 5, 2019

The Artist in Schools was sponsored by District and G.N.B.

Mr. Scully wrote a proposal to receive a grant that would sponsor a local artist to come into the school for approximately six weeks and teach some form of Art to our students. We were very fortunate to have professionally trained, Mr. Stephen Kincaid to come into our school and work with our students in several areas of Art. 

The first task was to teach how to make their own acting mask which would be natural.The mask would then allow the artist (students) to utilize body movement to interpret emotions, movement and relationships as children understand, without the use of voice. 

They children learned body- movement, working independently, with partners, and in groups.  They learned the art of mime, improvisation and connecting with their audience.

It was an outstanding project, one we would like to duplicate in the future.